Soft Commodities Cash/Futures and EURDKK Trading Suspension - Zeal Capital Market


Soft Commodities Cash/Futures and EURDKK Trading Suspension

Please be advised that Soft Commodities Cash/Futures and EURDKK symbols will be suspended starting Sunday, 15 th December 2024, at 22:05 GMT+0 until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Symbol Description
CocoaUS US Cocoa – Cash
CocoaUS_H5 US Cocoa  Future
Cotton Cotton – Cash
Cotton_H5 Cotton – Futures
SugarRaw Sugar No. 11 Cash
SugarRaw_H5 Sugar No. 11  Futures
EURDKK Euro vs Danish Krone

For more information or support, please contact Customer Services.

ZFX / Zeal Capital Market